Saturday, December 6, 2008
he's coming our way!!!!
Santa is coming our way!!!! in another words...MCO Concert is coming too!!!!'s practise was quite stressful to me..coz we got new scores again and it's kinda of difficult...coz it's in A major..which most of the pieces are in C D G ya, kinda of lost..hahax..
but i really will try my best i promised...coz i know it only left 19 days!!! OMG!!! so fast!!!
but so sian la...nxt sat i cant go for practise again...haiz...coz i got common test till last paper is on a SAT!!! KNS!!!
Total there is 4 papers nxt week
Tue 9/12/08 : EM3B
Thurs 11/12/08 : CadCam Application
Fri 12/12/08: Marine Engineering
Sat 13/13/08 Thermodynamic
haiz...going crazy soon...
but besides having all the stress oso need some entertainment huh? hahax...went to watch 2 movies this week...Thurs n Fri...Thurs went to watch "Wild Child"with my gals (Qiu Ping and Sinni + Jeremy) then Friday watched Four Christmases with my VIP..hehex..even though the movies are jus like those normal one...storyline quite similar...but becoz of the people besides me that makes it different...hehex...hmmm..the feeling was of coz different...after watching "Wild Child" with my gals i jus feel that i wanna cherish our friendship even more than ever...dunno why but mayb it's becoz of the storyline of that moive ba..hahaz...or maybe it's becoz it's always them who makes me feel that i'm in the group and filled me with all their laughter n jokes when my VIP is not around...thanks gals!!! =)
Oh is our dearest ben ben last practise before he enter NS this coming Thurs...thus we made a card for him...and take photos..hehex...
TO: BEN BEN Didi...
Old liao lor...going into army le...mus be more guai hor...hahax..times might be tough in there but hang on there!!!! jia you!!! we will wait for u to come back n join us on the 26 Dec!!! hopefully u can come out!!! cya there!!! TAN PO will miss u lots...especially ur dearest ruan-ners =D
The MCO Ruan-ners
(that is our concert poster!!! nice ritz? hahax)
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